Dienstag, 7. Juli 2015

22.07. - 05.09.2015 - Stresa Festival - Stresa

Paolo Fresu Devil Quartet, Uri Caine Ensemble, Ron Carter Foursight, Portal & Peirani, Dave Holland Quartet, Ginger Baker's Jazz Confusion, Ian Vogler, Federico Guglielmo, Andrea Coen, European Union Youth Orchestra, Erika Grimaldi, Quintetto Sinfonico di Vienna

Datum: 22.07. - 05.09.2015
Ort: 28838 Stresa - Italien
Location: Verschiedene Locations
Anfahrt zum Stresa Festival
Preis: 10-50 Eur je Event

Mehr Infos:
Festivalticker: Stresa Festival
Homepage: www.stresafestival.eu

The latest edition of the Stresa Festival (Settimane Musicali di Stresa e del Lago Maggiore) is just round the corner, and the 24 exclusive concerts will, as usual, take us into some wonderful sites around Lake Maggiore.

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