Freitag, 1. April 2016

16.04.2016 - Hardshock Festival - Almere

Al Twisted, Amada vs. Synthax, Amnesys, Andy the Core vs. X-Mind, AniMe, Art of Fighters, Bartoch vs. The Punisher, Broken Minds, Brutale, Chrono, Claudio Lancinhouse, D-Fence, D-Passion vs. Meccano Twins, Dano vs. Buzz Fuzz, Dj Delirium vs. Rob Gee, Dione

Datum: 16.04.2016
Ort: 1309 BA Almere - Holland
Location: Strand
Geo (long. / lat.): 5.1437687, 52.332742
Anfahrt zum Hardshock Festival
Preis: VVK 44,50 Eur

Mehr Infos:
Festivalticker: Hardshock Festival

Hardshock Festival presents more than 100 international Artists in 6 Different Area's: Hardcore - Industrial - Frenchcore/terror - Early and Drum'n Bass/Crossbreed!

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