Montag, 25. Juni 2018

10.07. - 15.07.2018 - Shankra Festival - Lostallo

Abyss Ooze, Aho, Altruism, Angry Luna, Arctika, Arhetip, Ashnaia Project, Astral Gnomix, Astral Projection, Atmos, Audiopathik, Audiotec, Bi-Molecular, Bombax, Boom Shankar, Braincell, BRT, Chacruna, Cosinus, Daksinamurti, Dalton Trance Teleport, Dark Whisper

Datum: 10.07. - 15.07.2018
Ort: 6558 Lostallo - Schweiz
Geo (long. / lat.): 9.1925954, 46.298070
Anfahrt zum Shankra Festival
Preis: VVK 126,86 Eur

Mehr Infos:
Festivalticker: Shankra Festival

Our valley is still vibrating with that incredible energy created by your dancing, swaying bodies and souls, all enhanced with overwhelming kindness and passion.

We are beyond thankful to every single one of you who joined our gathering to celebrate LIFE with your beautiful smiles to launch a story which will continue...

Our deepest-felt desire is to gaze in wonderment, inspired by these graceful trance-state minds dancing together, exploring themselves ... leading up to the blossoming of pure joy by only "being" and to gain knowledge.
The mere existence of a wide variety of rays flowing in from the same sources of energy ... be it Nature, God or Love.

Shankra Festival starts on Wednesday 10 July evening at 18:00 with great booming chill-out till Thursday morning; as a musical journey, the line up will progressively develop with care, love and energy.

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