Donnerstag, 12. Dezember 2019

27.12.2019 - Sankt Hell - Kopenhagen

Firebreather, Besvärjelsen, Alkymist, Nyt Liv, 0Band

Datum: 27.12.2019
Ort: 1440 Kopenhagen
Location: Musik Loppen
Geo (long. / lat.): 12.597075, 55.673854
Anfahrt zum Sankt Hell
Besucheranzahl: 1000
Preis: 220 DKK

Mehr Infos:
Festivalticker: Sankt Hell

It's finally that time of the season - time for the most devilish Christmas holiday party of them all, Sankt Hell! Just like the previous years, we will present a big line-up in those hellhole days between Christmas and New Years, to really shake things up. This year you can look forward to get your eardrums burst by hard hitting Scandinavian acts

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